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Mixbooker Photo Book Idea: Project 365

project 365 photo book idea

Last year, Mixbooker Charles D. committed to taking one photograph every day for 365 days. He calls his journey "Project 365." Charles says, "It was an amazing year, which helped me grow and really discover my own style of photography. There were slow days and there were exciting days. I took pictures from all over the world. From my home in Vancouver, to my birthplace in the Philippines, to my second home in Ottawa. It was a good year and I am happy to say that I completed my project. The first and last pictures of this project are the most important people in my life, my family."


Here at Mixbook HQ, we're completely blown away by the sheer dedication Charles' project displays. Charles' photo book is both entertaining and endearing, chronicling the most mundane days of his year, and also the most thrilling. Ultimately, it's a visual record of Charles' life in 2011, and we're humbled that Charles chose Mixbook to bring Project 365 to life.


Why not attempt a Project 365 of your own? You can begin at anytime during the year. Think taking 365 photos sounds daunting? Be inspired by some of our favorite moments captured on film by Charles!


photo a day photo book idea

  • First snowfall of the year
  • Working from home in pajamas
  • Photography equipment
  • Portraits of friends and family (self-portraits too!)
  • Freshly delivered and unwrapped Apple products
  • 11 minutes past 11 o'clock on January 11, 2011, as displayed on clocks and calendars

365 photos photo book idea

  • Photo booth photos
  • Homemade dinner spreads
  • Concert and theatre events
  • The moon and starry night skies
  • First night living alone in a new apartment
  • Playing around with lighting techniques, including light painting

a year in photos photo book idea

  • Giving blood
  • Workout equipment
  • Trips to the zoo
  • Empty suitcases and waving at airports
  • First sunset of Summer
  • Comic book collection
  • Close-ups of name tags and art supplies (See our macro photography tips here!)

year photo journal photo book idea

Our Interview with Charles


Mixbook: When did you decide to start this project? How did you come up with the idea?
Charles: I decided to start the project sometime near the end of 2010. I wanted my 365 to be my new years resolution and having it start on January 1st made things easier because I knew exactly when to start and stop. I had seen friends attempt 365 projects before on Facebook but for the most part, no on really finished it. So I decided that I wanted to try it out and make it my goal to follow through and complete the project.


M: What was the daily process like?
C: At first I had no idea what type of pictures I would take. The first few weeks were a bit tough because I really wasn't sure what to take pics of and what I should be including in my project. Eventually, I got used to shooting and by the end of the year, it was second nature. I would be thinking and planning my pic a few days before I would take it. I mixbooked at the very end. I still wasn't sure what type of format I wanted to present my project in so I decided to just leave it until the end. I eventually decided that I wanted a coffee table album that I could show to people when they came over.


M: What was the best/worst part of your year-long project?
C: The best part was networking and meeting new people. By the end of the year, a lot of people were following my project and everywhere I went, people would always be asking what my pic of the day would be for that particular day. Everybody wanted to be a part of my project and that was really fun! The worst part was finishing the project. This project had become such a big part of my life that I was constantly thinking about my pic of the day. Having to end it was saddening since it really had become a habitual part of my day.


M: How was your experience using Mixbook to make your photo book?
C: It was quick and easy! I actually don't like making albums because I get lazy trying to make the layouts appealing but Mixbook's templates and options made it very simple for me. I really liked the way I could modify pretty much everything. It took me about three or four days to finish this album, which to me is quick because I would've probably taken a week or more if it wasn't this easy. Other than its ease of use, the reason that I decided to use Mixbook was its integration of Facebook pictures. I uploaded my pic of the days on my Facebook account and being able to import my pictures straight from there made things so much more convenient. It really was a pleasure to use Mixbook so I definitely will be using it again in the future.


M: Anything else you'd like to add?
C: I would suggest that everybody start and complete a 365 project. Especially photographers just starting out. I was just starting my photography career at the beginning of the project and didn't really know anyone. By the end of the project, my network had grown really big and I became friends with so many new people. It really is an amazing experience that everyone should try out. I plan to start another 365 either next year or the following year when I've got more time. So I really encourage everyone to try it out!


Thanks for sharing Project 365 with us, Charles, and congratulations on completing your project!

  Want to see more amazing photos? Check out Charles' photography blog!

Get started with our Black Portfolio photo book theme now!