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5 Awesome Things to Do if You're Cooped Up in the House

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If you're stuck at home, you don't have to spend all your time cleaning and watching reruns (although we're all for it if that's what makes you happy). Check out these five great ideas for things to do when you're cooped up so you can mix things up a bit.

5 Awesome Things to Do if You're Cooped Up in the House

While you're home, think about:

  1. Organizing your photos
  2. Creating a photo book
  3. Decluttering a room
  4. Practicing self-care
  5. Freshening up your space

Here's a closer look at each.

Organize Your Photos

If you're like most of us, you have boxes of old photos (or file folders on your computer) that you've been meaning to go through. Now is a great time to start organizing and categorizing them - and the bonus is that you'll get to relive all the memories you find.

Create a Photo Book

Once you've organized all your photos, you'll probably have plenty of inspiration for your next personalized photo book. You can create something to commemorate a special event, like a wedding or a trip, or put together a beautiful everyday photo book that documents kids' milestones, showcases your family history or celebrates a relationship.

Everyday Florals by Lily & Val

Everyday Florals by Lily & Val

Related: How to make a family history photo book

Declutter a Room

We all have one room that's just a little too stuffed with... well, stuff. If you find yourself with a few extra hours on your hands, you can declutter that space in three easy steps.

#1. Label three boxes: Keep, Donate and Trash

Three cardboard boxes + three labels = one decluttered room. Okay, it's not that simple - but it's close. These labeled boxes will help you create a definitive plan for the things that are cluttering up your space.

#2. Fill up your boxes

Start in one corner of the room and evaluate every item that's out of place. If you find something that has a home elsewhere, put it in your "Keep" box, which you'll empty later. When you find things that you no longer use (but that still have a lot of life left in them), stash them in the "Donate" box. Finally, when you discover items that are broken (including things you've been meaning to repair but haven't) or unusable, put them in the "Trash" box.

#3. Close all the boxes (except the "Keep" box)

First things first: Take the "Donate" box to your car and the "Trash" box to the curbside trash bin. The idea is to get them out of your house and where they need to be. Next time you're out, you can drop off the items you're donating at your favorite charity or thrift shop. Once the two boxes are out of the way, you're left with the "Keep" box - so simply go through the box, one item at a time, and put everything where it belongs.

Practice Self-Care

We all need a little time for ourselves (even when we have plenty of time to ourselves). Take this opportunity to show yourself a little TLC. Maybe exercise helps you decompress, or maybe you've been waiting to curl up with a great book - whatever it is, now is a great time to reconnect with yourself, because you're unplugged from the outside world.

Freshen Up Your Space

Think about revitalizing your home - just one room or a handful of them - with beautiful personalized decor. You can brighten any room with canvas prints of your family, pets, and friends, spruce up your mantel or your desk with metal photo prints, or freshen up any other space with a vibrant acrylic print.

What Do You Do When You're Cooped Up at Home?

Whether you're writing that novel you've been putting off, baking like a pro or redecorating your space, we want to hear about it! Share your favorite downtime activities in the comments below or share a picture with us on Instagram (we're @Mixbook) so you can inspire others - and get some fresh ideas of your own.

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