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  • 90+ Hilarious Christmas Puns - It’s the Most Punderful Time of the Year!

90+ Hilarious Christmas Puns - It’s the Most Punderful Time of the Year!

Season’s greeting! Christmas time is reminiscent of drinking hot cocoa, watching holiday movies, singing carols, putting out milk and cookies, opening presents, and telling a lot of corny puns!

So if you want to stock up on Christmas puns, you came to the right place! We have curated a list of witty one-liners, puns, and dad jokes that are sure to sleigh any crowd. Let’s dive right in!

Popular Christmas Card Themes:

Funny Christmas Puns 

If you are hosting a Christmas party, these puns will come in handy to entertain your guests and spread some holiday cheer. Or you can use them in your Christmas card to give your friends and family something to laugh about.

After all, everyone loves a corny pun!

But wait, there’s more. Check out this article on funny Christmas card ideas for the holidays to help you spruce up traditional photo Christmas cards and make them more fun!

Reindeer Puns

  1. Merry Christmas, deer.
  2. What did the reindeer say when asked if they had seen the announcement for the upcoming reindeer convention? "Yeah, we herd.”
  3. Reindeers don’t go to school–they are elf taught.
  4. Like Beyonce said, “Sleigh my name, sleigh my name.”
  5. “Oh deer, it’s Rudolph me not to wish you Merry Christmas!”
  6. “Deerly beloved”
  7. Sleigh, queen, sleigh!
  8. Dance like deer is no tomorrow.
  9. Don’t rein on my parade.
  10. “The weather forecast predicts rein, deer.”
  11. There is snow-one like you.
  12. The reign-ing queen!

Santa Puns

  1. What did Santa name his dog? Santa Paws!
  2. What was Santa’s favorite subject? Chemistree!
  3. Don’t get too Santa-mental this Christmas.
  4. Nothing comes easy in life. Even Santa comes with a Clause.
  5. Afraid of Santa? You may be “Claustrophobic”.
  6. Who delivers presents to sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws!
  7. Why does Santa Claus come through a chimney? Because it soots him.
  8. What did the Shepherd ask Santa? “All I want for Christmas is ewe.”
  9. Rebel without a clause.
  10. “Beho-ho-hold this tree.”
  11. Which is Santa’s favorite Cartoon? Chimney Cricket.
  12. Christmas is a clause for celebration.
  13. Time flies when Sants is wearing a watch.
  14. “Your presents is required today, Santa!”
  15. Don’t clause a scene.
  16. This color really soots you!
  17. Don’t forget to tie your shoes, or you will end up on Santa’s knotty list.
  18. What do you clean your hands with before Christmas dinner? A Santa-tizer.
  19. What is Santa’s favorite subject in school? Chemistree.
  20. Let’s have a round of Santa-plaus for your performance.

Elf Puns

  1. The North Pole doesn’t import goods because it is Elf sufficient.
  2. What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet.
  3. Treat yo’elf this Christmas!
  4. I will always have the final sleigh.
  5. What is an elf’s favorite music genre? Wrap music.
  6. Bundle elf joy.
  7. Let’s take an elfie.
  8. Don’t be elfish on Christmas.
  9. Have yo’elf a merry little Christmas!
  10. What do you call an elf that can sing? A wrapper.

Snow Puns

  1. Boldly go where snowman has gone before.
  2. Dance like snowbody’s watching.
  3. What do you call a snowman temper tantrum? A meltdown.
  4. Ice to see you.
  5. What do you call a party for snowmen? A snowball.
  6. I love you snow much!
  7. You are a sight for sore ice!
  8. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite!
  9. What does a snowman eat for breakfast? Snowflakes.
  10. Why does a snowman never hold a bag of carrots? Because it is impolite to pick your nose in public.
  11. What do you call an old snowman? Water.
  12. The snowball’s in your court.
  13. Love at frost sight!
  14. Why do people love building a snowman? Because it’s cool.

Cutesy Christmas Puns

  1. I’m s-mitt-en with you!
  2. How the gingerbread is made?
  3. Saved by the jingle bell.
  4. I’m dressed in my Christmas jammies, from my head to my mistletoes!
  5. Have a fa-la-la-lastic Christmas!
  6. Your “presents” is much appreciated.
  7. Christmas is incomplete without an ugly sweater.
  8. I solemnly swear I’m up to snow good.
  9. I only have ice for you.
  10. I like my candy to be in mint condition.
  11. The chemis-tree between is electric!

Christmas Tree Puns

  1. Why do Gen Z kids like Christmas trees? Because they are Lit AF.
  2. Why are Christmas trees essential? Because they “spruce up the room’s decorations.”
  3. I hope your Christmas is tree-rific!
  4. Birch, please!
  5. Can I have some myrrh hot chocolate?
  6. The decorations are tree-mendous!
  7. I’ll be home fir the holidays.
  8. It’s time for the mistle-toast.
  9. I’m pine-ing for you this Christmas.
  10. Accept this as a mistletoe-ken of my appreciation for you!
  11. Ready, set, glow!
  12. You and I are orna-meant to be together.

General Christmas Puns

  1. “All the Jingle Ladies, all the Jingle Ladies.”
  2. Resting grinch face.
  3. What is the best way to invite someone to bring gifts to your Christmas party?
  4. Why do people drink more during the holidays? “...Cause it’s the most wine-derful time of the year.”
  5. You have to shake the picture if it is a North Pole-aroid.
  6. What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? “It’s Christmas, Eve!
  7. What would you get if you ate the Christmas decorations? Tinselitis.
  8. What did one ornament say to another? “I like hanging with you.”
  9. It’s the most wonderful thyme of the year!
  10. Which type of fish is found at the North Pole? Jollyfish.
  11. What do sheep say at Christmas? Fleece Navidad!
  12. Who was not hungry on Christmas? The turkey. Because it was already stuffed!


We hope you have a punny Christmas and sleigh everyone with these puns! Also, do you know what the best way to use these Christmas puns is? Include them on your Christmas card!

And when it comes to making Christmas cards, Mixbook editor is the perfect choice for you! You can choose from 100+ pre-designed cards that are fully customizable or create your own card from scratch.

If you are in a jam and don’t know what your Christmas card photo should be, here are some fun and unique Christmas card photo ideas for this festive season to bring your vision to life!

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