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Beautiful Photo Books from Our Gallery

Hey all, it's Alison, writing my very FIRST post on the Mixbook blog. So exciting! There have been lots of things going on here at the Mixbook World HQ because we've been using your feedback to update, improve, and make Mixbook the best it can possibly be.

In all of the hubbub, your lovely creations have not gone unnoticed - many of you have been churning out fantastic Mixbooks that are worthy of recognition and praise. So this part of our blog will regularly feature notable and unique Mixbooks made by you, the user. Check it out!

1) Our Wedding by Sherri J. For all you Weddingbee readers out there, here's some inspiration for a photo book you can give away to friends and family. Sherri's May nuptials are beautifully laid out using simple colored backgrounds and lots and lots of photos. It's Mixbook in an elegant and classic style.

Be sure to check out pages 18 and 19 to see Sherri's collection of fun wedding moments in one of my favorite layouts!

2) Chile 2007 by Abby M. Abby's book is a great example of what to do after you go on a trip. Upload your photos to Mixbook and make a book with a funny narrative of your silly adventures. I love her lighthearted yet poignant outlook on the people of Chile. She also proves that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover - this book has a lot to behold!

3) Uganda 2006 by David C. with Live Loud Taking another trek across the globe, this Mixbook is all about the photos. Our full bleed pages allow the photographs to speak for themselves -- each piece is a striking portrait of the life and condition of the Ugandan people. This book encourages the reader to have compassion by taking action to help, so that others can have hope. It's a pretty powerful statement, and I find myself looking at the photos on pages 28 and 29 especially.

4) Beautiful Specific Details by birdie This book is also surprising, and I love the different combinations presented - older photographs with new ones, along with black and white photos paired with sepia and colored photos. Her snippets about family and friends were touching and it looks like birdie had a lot of fun with this one!

5) San Francisco ... on the bridge. by Rebecca P. This book chronicles a day trip across the famous Golden Gate bridge, for Mixbooker Rebecca and her companions. I love that Rebecca used the color picker (found in the background section) to match the background to the photos AND used our custom frame tool to match the frames to the backgrounds! Great job, Rebecca!

Her story was sweet as well, chock full of adventure and laughter.

And there you have it! Take a look and create a book of your own, maybe you'll find yourself featured on our blog someday!

Thanks for all the eye candy, Mixbookers! Keep up the good work!

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