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Editor Tip: How to Prevent Page Elements from Being Trimmed

If you’ve ever ordered from Mixbook, you may be familiar with our trim variances. When pages are trimmed, there is a certain degree of variance that may occur, which is why we account for bleed areas on our pages. If you’ve ever wondered how you could prevent any of your elements from being trimmed off the page, you have definitely come to the right place. This tutorial will show you a simple trick to ensure that all your elements make it onto your page.

Have you noticed the white borderline that appears when typing too much text that ends up going off the page? This borderline is just what we need to make sure our elements stay on the page! Anything within the border is not in danger of being trimmed off the page during the trimming process.

Let’s take a look at this page from one of our projects. We’ve got a three-photo layout and some great stickers to accent the page. Wanting to use the most of our page, we’ve enlarged and moved the stickers close to the edge, to maximize page usage.

While we’re satisfied with the layout, how can we ensure that everything will print and stay in the book? This is where that borderline comes into play.

Step 1: Add a new text box onto the page and type a few letters. Any letters will do!

Step 2: Click and drag the text box towards the edge of the page until the dotted borderline appears

Step 3: Move any elements away from the borderline and towards the center of the page. *Note: When you click on a different element, it will cause the dotted line to disappear. Simply move the elements inward, then click back on the text to see the line once more. It’s not an exact science, so it will require a little trial and error.

Step 4: Delete the extra text box from the page. To do this, first click on the text box. From the toolbar that appears, click on the red "X" and the text box will be removed!

With the text box deleted, this page is now good to go! For even better layouts, don't forget to use your alignment tools! These tools will help to make sure everything on the page lines up perfectly! Now let's get to work on those pages.

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