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Christmas Card Ideas for Toddlers

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Bring an instant smile to your friends' and family's faces with Christmas card templates featuring your very own toddler. The bright smiles and powerful personalities of ones so small continue to delight and amuse people on impact. When you make your own Christmas cards featuring your adorable young children, you have complete control over the theme, the emotion, and the finished look. Here are a few Christmas card ideas for toddlers and infants to guide you toward the most adorable holiday greetings ever.

Ideas for Christmas Card for Toddlers

Because toddlers tend to be so unpredictable, it can be tricky to know just which photo will turn out the best. As you plan to make your own toddler Christmas card, give some extra thought to the images you wish to share. Snap a bunch of posed ones but don't forget that sometimes the candids can be even more poignant. Consider scheduling a holiday photo shoot with a studio or professional photographer to task them with capturing usable, adorable pictures and quality photo card printing. You might also merely wish to slap on your child's Santa photo for a quick and easy win. (Bonus points if you've scored something of the classic two-year-old screaming on Santa's lap variety!)

Inject a little humor in to your Christmas cards.

Sometimes the most fun part of having a toddler is surviving the adorably destructive and amusingly chaotic things they do. Spread the wealth and share some of your funniest moments in your toddler's Christmas card photo this year. Use your creativity to come up with funny captions for your favorite photos or stage posed holiday card shots that are sure to elicit a laugh or two.

Let your child help you.

Imagine the delight your son or daughter will experience at such a young age to have a hand in actually creating your family's Christmas cards online. As you make your own holiday photo card, let your little one sit on your lap and choose some colors, backgrounds, or stickers to personalize the card from a child's perspective. When you have one child, it's a little easier to make your little one part of the entire process. This experience is meant to be shared and enjoyed together, and the user-friendly online software makes it easy to apply and remove changes at your discretion.

Get even more creative with more kids.

If you've got a toddler and an infant, consider playing up a little story between the two in your Christmas card photo. Some popular holiday card photos have shown moms and dads tangled in Christmas lights while toddlers try to send the baby back to Santa Claus. Others merely include the holiday photo shoot bloopers on one side of the card and the hero image on the other. You might go for the sheer emotion of it--crying, pouting, or overly elated toddler faces. Your family, your call!

Personalize the envelopes, too.

As a special finishing touch, give your toddlers some crayons and let them go wild coloring all over the envelopes for your Christmas cards. This youthful artwork is sure to bring a smile to their grandparents' faces before they even open up the cards.

It's nearly impossible to go wrong when you have cute kids to put on the front of your custom Christmas cards, especially with those as young and unpredictable as toddlers. Best wishes for a merry holiday season!

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