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Create Personalized Note Card Stocking Stuffer Gifts for Everyone On Your List

In our world of digital everything, you’d think that writing note cards would have gone the way of the dodo bird. But it turns out that the superabundance of digital correspondence has made the epistolary type – flouting the very rules of evolution – that much more endearing. A short-and-sweet note scrawled by hand on a petite note card represents the highest order of social grace. Our elders have always known it, people my age (30-something) have embraced it, twenty-somethings know that a thank-you note can be a competitive edge for job interview follow-ups, and teens learn that a proper thank-you note gives them an advantage with college admissions. Even tweens get that formally expressing gratitude ensures the Legos and American Girl Dolls keep coming – it may even dawn on them that saying thanks makes the grandparents happy.

The printed note card has proven to transcend the iThis and iThat if for just a moment as a more civilized, thoughtful way of saying thank-you or, just, hello. Everyone needs printed note cards and – if they’re using their manners – most people regularly run out. So it’s a gift that’s perfect for every single person on your list. Useful. Affordable. Personal. What more could you ask?

For Anyone & Everyone People do nice stuff often. And there’s no better way to encourage nice people to keep being nice than saying thanks with a card. I know that sounds like a bunch of marketing speak, but it really holds true! And just because your card looks all formal and put-together doesn’t mean your note has to feel stilted or prissy. Embrace the tactile gesture of the card and scrap the canned message. Feel free to defy the “dear-so-and-so-thank-you-so-much-for-the-fill-in-the-blanks” and go for the more off-the-cuff expressions like “YOU = AWESOME. How did you know just what do do?” You’ll be authentic and thoughtful all at once, which is all anyone can hope for as thanks.


For the New Couple Newlyweds have lots of letters to write – mostly touching on the general theme of thank-yous. Take a lighthearted approach to note cards with disembodied mustache & lips stationery. Or address the universal request for a wedding portrait by printing one right on your card.

*The Perfect Pair

*Braun Canvas

For the College Kid University-age kids have a pretty strong sense of how they self-identify. A note card that reflects his or her allegiance – be it to city life, an outdoorsy life, fashion or academics – is a design they’ll love to have on hand to say thanks to a professor or a local parent who invites them in for a meal or to do laundry.

*The Skyline

*The Socialite

*Vintage Typewriter

*Still Mountains

For the Socialite When you’re working the party scene, there’s nothing more graceful than sending a handwritten note to the host after a great gathering. The more fabulous you are, the more note cards you need.

*Modern Type *Illustrated Floral

For the Young Professional Key for following up with clients, colleagues and contacts, business-appropriate note cards are an essential part of career development. Any savvy businessman or businesswoman has a whole arsenal of professional note cards for the sole purpose of making every connection more meaningful.

*Mod Banner *Office Chair

For the Family Man or Woman If they’ve got kids, chances are they do a lot of socializing. Printed note cards are fabulous for thank-you's to everyone from teachers and coaches to good friends who host or head up carpool often. The family-centric photo cards are also ideal for, well, other family members.

*Photo Note Card

Happy Mixbooking! Happy Gifting!

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