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Design Idea: Turn Your Lists into Beautful Photo Book Layouts!

If you’re anything like me, lists play an important role in your life. I use lists to get organized, be reminded of things, and be able to physically see my goals for the day, week, or month! Lists are also a great way to remember highlights from an event, trip, or even just a great day. In this blog post, we’re going to show you how to make beautiful lists to place in your Mixbook projects. With the use of photos, stickers, and text boxes, you’ll be making beautiful list layouts in no time!

The Top 5 Text Layout

This simple layout uses stickers from our Rad Plaid theme to create a list of our favorite moments from our Disney vacation. First, we used a rectangle sticker to place our title in. Next, we resized one of the circle stickers and copied and pasted four more stickers, ensuring the stickers match in size. For our lines, we simply chose a ribbon sticker from our sticker tray. Again, we copy and pasted the stickers, in addition to using our smart guides to line them all up. Now that all our stickers are in place, add the text boxes and type in your favorite moments. To change the look of your type, use the text toolbar to achieve just the right mood. This example uses our Pixie font.

The Photo List Layout

This layout features your photos, instead of text. To recreate this layout, drag the first photo onto the page and resize it accordingly. Copy and paste the photo until you’ve got the right number of frames on the page. The duplicated photos will be the same size as the original, allowing them to line up beautifully. Once you’ve got the photos in place, you can start adding stickers. We’ve adjusted the transparency of some of our shape stickers for a softer feel. Lastly, add in your text and your photo list is good to go! The stickers and backgrounds in this example all come from our New York theme and the Aldous Vertical font is used.

The Captioned Photo List

For these photos, we are going to utilize the circle shape photo style. Drag a photo onto the page, select the circle shape, and resize as needed. Like we did in the previous layout, copy and paste the photo to create the correct number of frames. Next, drag your new photos into the frames. Remember, you can always zoom and pan within the frame to make sure you display the correct portion of the photo. Lastly, add your title and caption text. Our title uses the Windsong font and our captions use Helvetica.

Remember, these are just a few examples of what you can do! Mixbook advocates truly making it yours, so don’t be afraid to experiment and mix it up! Try using a photo as a background with a sticker overlay for your layout! Don't forget, lists can be used in cards and calendars as well! You can list party activities on the back of an invitation, or use the photo list layout to showcase your favorite costumes for the month of October in next year's calendar. The possibilities are endless! We’d love to see what list layouts you have up your sleeves! Share it with us and the rest of the Mixbook community on our Facebook page!

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