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  • How To Make A Holiday Cookie Exchange Recipe Book

How To Make A Holiday Cookie Exchange Recipe Book

Related keywords:Photo-Book-IdeasGroupCollabHoliday-Book

Cookie exchanges are a classic holiday tradition because let’s be real, who doesn’t love homemade treats and sweets during the holidays? While social distancing is recommended this year due to the pandemic, don’t cancel your annual cookie exchange just yet! You can still safely swap recipes with loved ones in a different way by creating a Cookie Exchange Recipe Book through Mixbook.

How To Make A Holiday Cookie Exchange Recipe Book

Invite friends and family to a recipe book project on Mixbook where they can each contribute their recipes virtually and with ease. Instead of one person doing all of the work, this feature makes it easy for everyone to do their part in bringing the project together. For a little extra fun, be sure to ask each person to also include a picture of their prepared recipe. That way, everyone can see what the recipe will look like once it’s made!

A Cookie Exchange Recipe Book is a great way to keep holiday recipes organized and together in one special book. It’s also a fun way to keep your cookie exchange tradition alive this holiday season while still remaining socially distant.

To learn how easy it is to make your own recipe book with Mixbook, keep on reading!

Step 1 - Create an account on Mixbook.com or log into your existing account.

Step 2 - Hover your mouse over the Photo Books tab and then click on Recipe/Cookbooks. From there, select the photo book that you would like to proceed with or start a blank book completely from scratch.

Step 3 - Click the Add Photos button. A pop-up will appear, select the “Add From Friends” button.

Enter the email address(es) of who you’d like to invite along with an optional note, then click Send Invite.

Or you can copy the link at the bottom to directly send to your friends.

You’ll receive a notification once they've added photos. Within the desktop editor for your project, you can then view and use the photos they added by clicking the Add Photos button and selecting the Friends Photos icon at the top.

Photo contributions will be separated by the individuals who have added photos.

Related Article: How to Collect Photos from Friends for Your Mixbook Project

You’ll also see the ability to add this person as a project collaborator. They will have access to building the project. Only one individual may be editing at a time.

Related Article: How to Collaborate on Photo Projects

Step 4 - From the editor, you can view the photos and incorporate them yourself, or alternatively, you can add each person as a project collaborator so that they can go in and edit the project themselves. The latter would be ideal if you would like to distribute the work evenly. Collaborators can edit text, stickers, backgrounds, and layouts, too. Note that only one person may edit the project at a time.

Step 5 - Once your book is complete, preview it one last time and then select Order. Choose the size, paper, and style preferred, add a quantity, and then select Add To Cart to complete your order. As collaborators, your project members will have the power to order the book as well. It’ll be under My Projects, waiting for them.

How Will You Collaborate this Holiday Season?

Mixbook’s collaboration feature makes it easier to create together this year. With social distancing encouraged, there are many gifts you can create as a team to surprise family and friends. A holiday cookie exchange book is just the beginning. Team up on a year in review photo book with family members for an inside look at how relatives spent their quarantine or a photo book that honors your mother by working with your sibling in another state or even tackle older projects like past vacations with friends. The opportunities for virtual togetherness are endless!

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