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How to Write Holiday Cards for Remote Employees

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How to Write Holiday Cards for Remote Employees

The holiday season is nearly upon us, and it's time to embrace the spirit of gratitude both personally and professionally. 2021 has been an especially challenging year, as the world of industry adapted to operating in a pandemic. Remote employment became a necessity rather than a luxury. It was a year that revolutionized the way work gets done, and this holiday season is the perfect time to make your remote employees feel appreciated.

What do you write in an employee holiday card?

No matter what stage of adapting to normalcy your business is at, it is important to show your remote workers that they are still important members of your team. Writing holiday cards for remote employees is a simple yet personal way to let them know just how valuable they are to you and your company. We are here to help you make those holiday cards dazzling!

Picking Holiday Cards for Remote Employees

The card you choose to send your remote employees should be personal, grateful, inspirational, and representative of your team or company. It is hard to imagine that you can pack all that into a holiday card, but it's a lot simpler than you think. The right design coupled with the right message is sure to make your holiday cards stand out.

Photos are a great way to include both a personal element and a representation of your team. For example, you can use a photo of your last pre-pandemic work event. If you don't have one group photo, you can collage together screenshots from your Zoom meetings as a way of including them all.

The colors in your holiday cards should be bright and merry. Play with festive colors like gold, red, green, and blue that embrace the holiday spirit. Choosing seasonal themes for holiday cards is an easy way to make all denominations of employees feel valuable.

Holiday Card Messages for Remote Employees

You don't want the message you choose for your remote employee's holiday cards to sound generic. Every employee is vital to the success of your business, and you want them to know how important their loyalty and dedication is. No matter how you choose to write holiday cards for remote employees, make it memorable, thoughtful, and something that resonates with them throughout the year.

Ideas for business holiday card messages:

  • Though we have faced our share of obstacles over the past year, we are thankful for the strength and understanding you have shown during this transition. Cheers to a happy and healthy holiday season!
  • Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! Despite not seeing much of each other this year, we wanted you to know how much we miss you and look forward to more facetime in the coming year.
  • Thank you for being a loyal and dependable member of our team. We value your hard work and dedication. Best wishes for the holiday season!
  • You are a highly valued member of our work family and hope your holidays are filled with joy, health, and warm memories. Season's Greetings!
  • We can't stress how special you are and how blessed we are to have you as part of our team. Wishing you and yours a merry holiday season.
  • Getting Started on Your Holiday Cards

It's a lot easier to put together the perfect holiday cards for your remote employees this season. At Mixbook, holiday cards happen to be one of our specialties. We have put together some incredible holiday card templates for the winter season sure to put a smile on your team's faces. Browse some of the categories below and start customizing your way to the ideal business holiday card.

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