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  • It's a bird...it's a plane...it's my first Mixbook!

It's a bird...it's a plane...it's my first Mixbook!

Remember when it was actually fun and exciting to get a package in the mail because it just didn't happen that often? Ah, those good ol' days... Well, times have changed and nowadays, online shopping sprees result in too many boxes, peanuts all over your carpet (or air-pacs if you get lucky), and shrink wrap galore--and it's pretty much no big deal when you get another delivery. I had become quite jaded myself...until I ordered a Mixbook that I worked on with my sister recently. When I came home from work yesterday, I just had this feeling and I could not be more excited to go check my mailbox. Ladies and gentlemen, let me just say that there's nothing quite like getting your very own beautiful Mixbook creation shipped to your door, ready to be paged through, admired, wowed over, and passed around the office/neighborhood/classroom/social gathering/etc.

Here's a little peek into my afternoon of happiness:

It's pretty amazing how Mixbook let me upload digital pictures that had just been hiding inside my Mac all this time, create beautiful pages with layouts, frames and backgrounds, and immortalize the cooking magic inside my brain into text on a page. Even better, I had so much fun collaborating on this recipe book with my favorite (and only) sister. It's fun to share it online with friends and family, but I gotta say -- it's wonderful getting a fabulous, professionally printed book to have and to hold. :)

Now it's your turn! Get started now.

--Rebekah, Mixbook Connoisseur

P.S. If you're not a Mixbooker yet, post a comment and I'll send you an invite.

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