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Mothers Day 2024: What Moms Really Want…

Mother's Day, a universal celebration of mothers and mother figures, is particularly marked in America with unique traditions rooted in the efforts of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. Jarvis aimed to honor her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, a peace activist who cared for Civil War soldiers, leading to the inaugural Mother's Day in 1908 at a West Virginia church. Her persistent advocacy culminated in President Woodrow Wilson's 1914 proclamation of Mother's Day as a national holiday, celebrated on the second Sunday in May. The day is symbolized by the carnation, representing a mother's love's purity, strength, and endurance, with red carnations worn to honor living mothers and white for those who have passed. While the concept of celebrating motherhood exists globally, Jarvis's initiative in the U.S. inspired many countries to establish their own observances, integrating them with local traditions and choosing different dates for the celebration.

As Mother's Day 2024 approaches, we're diving deep into this year's trends, eager to experience Mother's Day from the unique perspective of moms themselves. It's a journey to understand not just the popular gifts and activities, but to truly grasp what mothers cherish and desire for their special day. This exploration is not just about finding the perfect present; it's about recognizing and celebrating the individual preferences, hobbies, and dreams of mothers around the world. Whether it's the tranquility of a spa day, the joy of a homemade meal, the excitement of a new adventure, or simply the warmth of quality time spent with loved ones, understanding what mothers really want is key to making Mother's Day 2024 unforgettable for the incredible women in our lives.

We conducted a survey of 3,000 moms asking them firstly what they would most like to receive this upcoming Mother’s Day. The results underscore a pronounced preference for gifts that carry deep sentimental value, emphasizing personalized experiences, emotional connections, and gestures that celebrate personal interests and the unique bond between mothers and their families.

The top picks from the survey span a range of thoughtful and intimate gifts, from photobooks filled with cherished memories to the simple pleasure of sharing a coffee and a catch-up. Each choice reflects a longing for meaningful engagement, whether through creative expression, shared experiences, or personal indulgence in hobbies and interests.

Top Ten Mother’s Day Gifts For 2024

1. A photobook of memories. A photobook of memories stands out as the top choice because it's a deeply personal and sentimental gift. It's a tangible collection of cherished moments and memories that mothers can revisit anytime. This preference underscores the value mothers place on family memories and the desire to preserve them in a physical form. Crafting a photobook involves thoughtful selection and organization of photos that tell a story of special moments, making it a highly personalized gift that reflects the effort and love put into it.

2. Home Cooked Meal. Having someone cook your favorite meal is a gesture that goes beyond just the act of cooking. It signifies someone taking the time to know your preferences, dedicating effort to prepare something that brings you joy, and the desire to care for you by fulfilling a basic need in an extraordinary way. This choice highlights the appreciation for personal touches and the comfort found in favorite foods, which often evoke feelings of warmth, nostalgia, and love.

3. Homemade Favorite Cake. Similar to having your favorite meal cooked for you, receiving a cake that someone has baked especially for you is a deeply personal and thoughtful gesture. It’s not just about the cake but the love and consideration baked into it. Cakes are synonymous with celebrations and joyous occasions, making this choice a symbol of celebration of the mother herself. It reflects a desire for a personalized celebration that’s sweet and crafted with care.

4. A Bunch of Favorite Flowers. Flowers have been a timeless symbol of affection, appreciation, and beauty. Receiving a bunch of your favorite flowers signifies a personal touch, as it shows that the giver has taken the time to know and remember your preferences. Flowers can brighten a space and bring a sense of freshness and life, making them a popular choice for expressing love and gratitude. This choice underscores the appreciation for beauty, nature, and the simple joys that flowers represent.

5. A Framed Photo of the Family. A framed photo of the family is a gift that captures a moment in time, preserving it as a visual reminder of love and togetherness. This choice speaks to the value placed on family bonds and the desire to keep those connections close. It’s a way to celebrate and cherish the family unit, providing a constant reminder of loved ones and shared experiences. A framed photo can be a centerpiece in a home, symbolizing the heart of family life and the memories that bind it together.

6. Coffee and Catch Up. This simple yet meaningful gift involves taking the mother out for coffee at her favorite cafe, providing an opportunity for quality one-on-one time. It’s a way to break from daily routines and enjoy each other's company in a relaxed setting. The appeal of this gift lies in its focus on spending time together and engaging in heartfelt conversations, underscoring the importance of personal connection over material gifts.

7. Handmade Painting. This gift involves commissioning a painting for mom, possibly of something meaningful to her, such as a family portrait, a beloved pet, or a favorite landscape. The uniqueness and personalization of a painted picture offer a sentimental value that mass-produced items cannot match. It ranks in this position likely due to the personal touch it carries and the effort involved in creating something so bespoke and artistic.

8. Personalized Poem. Having a poem written specifically for a mother is a deeply personal and thoughtful gesture. It could express love, gratitude, and appreciation in a creative and unique way. This option suggests a preference for gifts that communicate emotions and thoughts directly, offering a tangible form of the giver’s sentiments. Its place in the rankings may reflect the value placed on emotional and intellectual connections.

9. Jewelry. Jewelry is a classic gift that combines aesthetic appeal with lasting value. It can be personalized through the choice of stones, engravings, or designs that hold special meaning for the recipient. The reason it's a popular choice might be because it offers a balance between personal significance and physical beauty, serving as a wearable reminder of love and appreciation.

10. A Book. Gifting a book reflects an understanding of the mother’s interests, hobbies, or desires for self-improvement. It’s a way to cater to her personal tastes and provide an escape or a new learning experience. This option underscores the importance of recognizing and nurturing the individual interests and intellectual curiosity of mothers.

In addition to the top ten preferences highlighted for Mother's Day gifts, the survey presented a range of thoughtful and diverse options that mothers across America could choose from, emphasizing the wide spectrum of interests and values that mothers hold dear. From the nurturing gesture of receiving a house plant, symbolizing growth and care, to the personal touch of a handmade ceramic piece, each option reflects a deep appreciation for gifts that carry emotional weight and personal significance. Candles for creating a soothing ambiance, movie theater outings for shared experiences, favorite wines or drinks for a touch of indulgence, and even personalized items like engraved wine openers and aprons, underscore the desire for practical yet personal gifts. The inclusion of items geared towards wellness and relaxation, such as essential oils with a diffuser, alongside gifts that cater to personal hobbies and interests, like journals or planners, reveals the nuanced and individualized preferences of mothers.

Celebrating Mother's Day doesn't have to be expensive. It's the thought, effort, and love put into the gesture that counts the most. Whether it's through a heartfelt gift like a personalized Mixbook photo book capturing cherished moments and memories, or spending quality time together, there are countless ways to make Mother's Day special for the beloved mothers and mother figures in our lives” says Leslie Albertson, director of brand at Mixbook.

Mother’s Day Plans

Our curiosity about how mothers prefer to spend Mother's Day led us to survey moms on their typical activities for the occasion. The findings offer a revealing glimpse into the varied ways moms celebrate their day. A significant 38% of moms enjoy family gatherings at home, highlighting the importance of togetherness and the comfort of familiar surroundings. Meanwhile, 17% opt for the indulgence of dining out, making restaurants a popular choice for commemorating the day. Surprisingly, 14% of moms reported doing nothing special, pointing to a desire for simplicity or perhaps underscoring an opportunity for families to step up their celebratory efforts.

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Brunch, with its blend of late-morning leisure and delectable dining, is the choice for 12% of moms, offering a perfect balance of relaxation and indulgence. Close behind, 11% of moms prioritize relaxation and self-care, embracing the day as a chance to recharge and pamper themselves. Only a small fraction, both at 4%, either venture out for a day or engage in the exchange of gifts, indicating that while these activities are valued, the emphasis remains on more personal or intimate forms of celebration. This spectrum of preferences underscores the diversity of desires among moms, suggesting that the best way to honor them is by tailoring the day to reflect what they truly enjoy.

Importance of Mother’s Day 

In our exploration of Mother's Day through the eyes of moms, many ranked the day as a 7 out of 10 in terms of importance. This rating sheds light on the nuanced way mothers perceive their special day—a significant yet balanced part of their lives. Mothers appreciate the recognition and love expressed on Mother's Day, but they also carry a profound understanding of the ongoing, everyday dedication motherhood entails. This day serves as a moment of pause to honor and celebrate, yet it's the daily acts of love, sacrifice, and commitment that truly define the essence of being a mother. Reflecting on their own experiences, mothers recognize the depth of what their mothers have done for them, appreciating the full spectrum of motherhood's challenges and joys. It's this recognition that perhaps makes them value the everyday moments just as much as the grand gestures of Mother's Day. Thus, while Mother's Day is undoubtedly special, it is but one piece of the broader, more complex experience of motherhood - a journey marked by unconditional love, resilience, and the countless, often unnoticed, ways moms shape the world around them.

Gifts or Experiences

Over half of the moms felt that Mother's Day has veered too far towards commercialization, losing sight of the heartfelt simplicity that once defined it. For these moms, the allure of handmade gifts or the joy derived from shared experiences far outweighs the appeal of store-bought presents. A significant 34% of mothers underscored the importance of handmade or personalized gifts, valuing the thought and effort that go into creating something truly unique for them.

Taking the time to carefully select the perfect photos and dedicating the effort to create a photobook for your mom transforms it into a gift beyond compare, especially due to its deeply personal nature. This thoughtful process, and the resulting bespoke album, ensures that the gift is not just an item, but a cherished expression of love and memories, tailored specifically to her story and experiences, making it an immensely meaningful present she's sure to treasure.

Moreover, a compelling 69% of moms expressed a preference for experiences over physical gifts, signaling a strong desire for meaningful, memorable moments spent with their families. These statistics highlight a clear preference for the intangible, yet invaluable, gifts of time, creativity, and shared experiences, underscoring the idea that what mothers cherish most on Mother's Day—and indeed, in life—are the bonds and memories forged with their loved ones, rather than the material possessions they receive.

Here are some ‘experience’ gift ideas for this Mother’s Day:

1. Spa Day or Massage Therapy Session: A day of pampering with a professional massage, facials, and relaxation at a spa can be a wonderful escape and a way to show appreciation for all the hard work moms do. 2. Cooking Class Together: If she enjoys cooking or has always wanted to learn a new cuisine, taking a cooking class together can be a fun and educational experience you both can share.

3. Wine Tasting Tour: Visit a local vineyard or wine bar where you can indulge in wine tasting. Some places offer tours of the vineyard and insights into the winemaking process, making for an enjoyable and educational day out.

4. Weekend Getaway: Plan a weekend escape to a destination she has always wanted to visit. It could be a cozy cabin in the woods, a beach resort, or a cultural city break, depending on her interests.

5. Attend a Live Theater Performance: If she enjoys the arts, tickets to a live theater performance, such as a play, musical, or opera, can be a wonderful experience to share.

6. Hot Air Balloon Ride: For the more adventurous moms, a hot air balloon ride can offer breathtaking views and a unique experience that she'll never forget.

7. Gardening Workshop: If she has a green thumb or has expressed interest in gardening, attending a gardening workshop together could be both educational and fun, plus it's a gift that keeps on giving as she applies her new skills at home.

8. Yoga Retreat or Wellness Workshop: A day or weekend focused on wellness, with yoga classes, meditation sessions, and healthy eating, can be a rejuvenating experience that benefits both mind and body.

9. Art Workshop or Pottery Class: Engaging in a creative activity together, like painting, drawing, or pottery, not only allows for a fun learning experience but also gives you both a keepsake to remember the day.

10. Scenic Cruise: Whether it's a river, lake, or ocean nearby, a scenic cruise can offer a relaxing and beautiful way to spend time together, often with options for dining or entertainment on board.

When delving into what mothers truly desire for Mother's Day gifts, their responses revealed a deep yearning for presents that mirror their personal hobbies and passions, with 40% expressing a preference for items related to their interests, such as gardening, art, or cooking. This indicates a desire for gifts that not only bring joy but also enhance their daily lives and personal pursuits.

Traditions on Mother’s Day

When exploring the traditions and activities mothers most look forward to on Mother's Day, a significant majority, 64%, cherished the idea of going for lunch or brunch together as a family. This preference highlights the joy moms find in simply being around the table with their loved ones, sharing food and conversation.

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Beyond meals, 11% of moms eagerly anticipate a family games night, relishing the fun and laughter such gatherings bring. Watching a film together as a family was the choice for 9%, showcasing a desire for relaxed, shared experiences that foster closeness and create lasting memories.

Taking a family photo every year resonated with 7%, a tradition that captures the passage of time and the growth of the family, creating a cherished archive of moments. These photos could then be turned into a mothers day gift such as a photobook - a look back at Mother’s Day across the years.

Similarly, going for a walk together as a family was important for another 7%, reflecting a yearning for quiet, reflective time in each other's company, connecting with nature and each other.

Lastly, 2% of mothers noted the importance of visiting a loved one's grave, a poignant reminder of those who have been celebrated on Mother's Days past, highlighting the deep emotional layers and the continuum of family bonds that this day touches upon.

Mothers of All Kinds

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Celebrating Mother's Day is not just about honoring biological mothers; it's a tribute to motherhood in all its forms. This includes adoptive mothers, who choose to love and raise children as their own, stepmothers who step into a family and embrace the role with love and commitment, grandmothers who often play a dual role of doting elder and caregiver, fostering a sense of security and tradition within the family. There are also guardians and mentors who, though not related by blood, take on the nurturing role of a mother, offering guidance, support, and unconditional love. Recognizing these diverse embodiments of motherhood is crucial because it acknowledges the varied and complex ways in which love and care are provided. Each form of motherhood comes with its unique challenges and joys, and celebrating them all on Mother's Day emphasizes the value and impact of nurturing relationships. It's an acknowledgment that the essence of motherhood transcends biological ties and is rooted in the love, care, and guidance offered to younger generations.

With insights gleaned from our survey asking moms about their ideal Mother's Day gifts, selecting the perfect present this year should be a more straightforward and rewarding endeavor.

With photobooks emerging as the most coveted Mother's Day gift, it underscores their appeal as a deeply personal and cherished present among moms across America. The versatility of photobooks allows for endless creativity in how they are assembled, making each one uniquely tailored to the story it aims to tell. From compiling photographs of Mother's Day's past to create a nostalgic journey through time, to curating a photobook dedicated to exploring your mom's family history, or even a special edition focusing on her mother, the possibilities are boundless. Another popular option is to craft a photobook that narrates the broader family saga, incorporating milestones, everyday moments, and the rich tapestry of relationships that define it. These photobooks serve not just as gifts, but as timeless heirlooms, offering families a tangible connection to their past and a way to cherish their shared history and love for generations to come.

These insights reveal a nuanced preference among moms for gifts that combine the thoughtfulness of an experience with the lasting presence of a physical item, whether it's a piece of jewelry that holds sentimental value, a custom-made photobook from Mixbook, or a book that reflects her interests. Armed with this deeper understanding of what moms truly want, choosing the right gift should not only meet but exceed her expectations, making this Mother's Day both memorable and profoundly personal.

Methodology: Online panel survey of 3,000 adults based on age, gender, and geography. Internal data sources are used to obtain population data sets. We used a two-step process to ensure representativeness through stratified sampling and post-stratification weighting. April 2024.

Top Ten Image Credits:

1. Photo by Arun Prakash on Unsplash

2. Photo by Jimmy Dean on Unsplash

3. Photo by Will Echols on Unsplash

4. Photo by Carrie Beth Williams on Unsplash

5. Image by Freepik

6. Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

7. Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

8. Photo by Nicolas Messifet on Unsplash

9. Image by ASphotofamily on Freepik

10. Image by Freepik

Additional Image Credits:


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