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Plan Ahead to Create the Best (and Easiest) School Year Photo Book Ever

Here at Mixbook, we’re big fans of school yearbooks, but we also think it’s about time your child get more than one or two photos to represent a whole year of education. General school yearbooks are fabulous for capturing the overall ethos of the school year along with all the faces and the many events spanning every grade. It’s truly an important part of your child’s memory.

But since chances are your kid will only get a handful of photos in the general school yearbook, it’s nice to have a custom album dedicated to his or her experience in each grade level. The great news is that if you start planning at the beginning of the school year, the book practically makes itself – no need for a yearbook committee when it comes to your child’s custom school yearbook.

"Chalkboard Memories"

Simply use our handy checklist to capture photos along the way, front loading your album with lots of first-day photos, and planning ahead to snap a few photos here and a few photos there. After Day One you’ll be well on your way to creating the album with a dozen or more back-to-school shots. Start your project by choosing a template for your album from our Education Photo Books, then simply upload all the first-day photos. Simply add a page or two with each event throughout the school year.

"Back to School"

At the end of the year, just add a few photos from the last day of school – and click to order copies for your family and grandparents. Your kids may or may not be “into” the idea now, but in the future they’ll absolutely adore having such a detailed account of their experiences in school over the years.

First-day photo checklist:

  1. holding sign that reads “1st day of __ grade!”
  2. new personalized stationery + new school supplies
  3. bed hair – waking up for 1st day of school
  4. 1st day of school breakfast
  5. getting ready for 1st day of school
  6. close-up of new school shoes
  7. ready to go! Shot with full outfit/uniform + backpacks, etc.
  8. packed school lunch
  9. getting on school bus + bus driving away
  10. school desk name plate
  11. school entrance
  12. child’s locker, coat hook or cubby
  13. child’s new teacher
  14. pic with best friend
  15. through classroom door
  16. after school pick-up

"School Memories"

Throughout the year photo checklist:

  1. playing at recess
  2. photo with librarian
  3. photo with principal
  4. photo with teacher
  5. photo with art teacher
  6. photo with music teacher
  7. photo with gym teacher
  8. photo holding report card
  9. photo holding a test with a good grade
  10. photos of performances
  11. photos of school dance
  12. photos of sports events
  13. changing displays in the classroom
  14. photos of field trips
  15. photos of holiday parties
  16. special club meetings
  17. after-school rituals, snacks, regular outings, etc.

"Chalkboard Memories"

Last-day photo checklist:

  1. ditching backpacks and sprinting off to the playground
  2. eating ice cream and celebrating
  3. holding report card
  4. holding sign reading “last day of ___ grade!”

Happy Mixbooking! Happy Easy Album-Making!

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