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Editor Tip: Sorting Photos in Your Mixbook Projects

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Sorting Photos in Your Mixbook Projects

Each week, millions of photos are uploaded into our Mixbook editor. Whether you’re creating a Family Album or a Wedding Album, multiple photos are needed to complete the project. To help you get through all the photos and finish your project quickly, our editor has an ever-so-handy photo sorting and filtering feature! Sorting Photos The Mixbook editor currently has three options to sort your photos. These options can be selected in the drop-down menu at the top of the photo tray.

How to Sort Your Photos

Date Taken This is the editor’s default sorting option. The editor will sort your photos based on the date the photo was taken. They are sorted in descending order, the photos taken most recently appearing at the top, and the oldest at the bottom. Tip: Every photo has the date imprinted into its file, so make sure the date settings on your camera are correct!

Date Added This option will sort your photos based on when they were uploaded into the project. They are also displayed in descending order, the photos uploaded most recently appearing at the top.

File Name This option sorts the photos by the file name given to the jpeg or png file. You can sort alphabetically or reverse alphabetically.

If you prefer to only use a photo once, you can always check the “Hide Used” box.

If this option is checked, your photo tray will only display photos that have not yet been placed into your project.

Search Photos Aside from sorting photos, you also have the option to search through your uploaded photos. Our search feature allows you to look through your photos via file name.

Filename Enter the name of the photo you are looking for and it will pop up right below the filter box.

Tip: Customize filenames when uploading your photos from your camera to your computer. For example, instead of using the standard IMG prefix, use Hawaii to title all your Hawaiian vacation photos. When your photos are uploaded into the Mixbook editor, you can pull up all these photos by typing "Hawaii."

We hope this explanation has been helpful and will allow you to finish those Mixbook projects in record time! Don’t forget, hovering over your thumbnail will provide you with a larger preview of the photo or click the teal arrows on the photo tray < > to make your tray larger, making it even easier to see and place your photos.

Until next time, happy Mixbooking! If you have any additional questions, please contact us at support@mixbook.com or use the Live Chat feature on Mixbook.com, lower left side.

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