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Spring Cleaning At Home

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Spring is the ideal time of year to go room by room and do a deep cleaning to welcome in the new season in tidy fashion. When it comes to spring cleaning, it’s about going beyond your normal cleaning routine and doing those extra things that you touch less frequently, such as dusting all the ceiling fans and light fixtures in the home.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Here’s a handy checklist that you can follow to conquer the entire home in just a week

Spring Cleaning Photo Tips

Google Photos

Getting your photos organized is the first step in making great photo books. We highlight suggest taking the time to back up your photos into Google Photos and creating folders for the corresponding events. Check out our article here on how to best organize your photos on Google Photos and how to import those photos into Mixbook.

Download the Mixbook App

Get started putting your backed-up photos to good use using our iOS-friendly Mixbook app!

Archive and Print Refrigerator Art

It’s time to clear off those cluttered refrigerator doors and make room for more of your children’s art. You don’t have to throw away finger-painted masterpieces because you can scan them and turn them into photo books. Think of how neat (double meaning there) it would be to have all your child’s school art in a photo album they can revisit for years to come. Read more ideas on how to repurpose school art here.

Scan Physical Photos

If you have boxes of physical prints that are getting in your way, we suggest digitizing them and putting those digital versions in photo books. There are many apps on your own mobile device that you can use to scan photos in high resolution to prep them for print. We suggest using the Photo Scan app by Google. Here’s a video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CSNsuwxl9QS/

Spring Cleaning Tips for the Home

Empty & Scrub the Refrigerator & Freezer

Over time, things spill in the refrigerator and accumulate in the freezer. One item at a time, unload both, checking the items you take out for expiration dates. Purge the things you no longer need and make a list of any replacements needed. With the refrigerator and freezer empty, take a few moments to use a sanitizing spray to deep-clean the shelves and drawers. Make sure to replace any filters at this time, too.

Extra tip: Use this chance to reevaluate what you actually eat versus what you waste. It'll cut down on your grocery bill on your next trip!

Organize Closets

Like the refrigerator, clothing tends to pile up throughout the year. Empty each closet in your home onto a nearby bed or dresser. With everything out of the closet, take a moment to dust down shelves, vacuum the floor, and deep-clean the interior. When you're ready to load the clothing back into the closet, review each item for any holes or tears. Any items that are ragged or no longer fit can be purged. Load up the remaining items in an organized fashion. Donate your unwanted pieces!

Clean Baseboards

Vacuuming and mopping are a regular chore around the home. Add cleaning the baseboards to your spring-cleaning routine to make it look like the day you moved in. Take an old dish towel or hand towel and wrap the end of a broom, using a rubber band to secure the towel in place. Run the broom over the baseboards to pick up any dirt and dust.

Organizing Your Digital Photos

Spring cleaning isn't just great practice for your home, it's also a great way to tidy up your phone. Start by going through the apps downloaded and delete any you don't use. This will free up additional storage space for all the photos you snap.

As you go through your photos, tag your favorites and create a photo book to memorialize your past memories in print. Mixbook offers so many great photo book themes to cover hundreds of occasions.

Declutter Kids' Items

Kids accumulate a lot of toys and school art projects throughout the year. Weed out any toys they've outgrown and donate, sell, or pass the rest down to a friend or loved one. If they've amassed piles of school art projects, try taking pictures of each one and making it part of a photo book at the end of the year. This is a great way to document their progress from year to year.

Spring Cleaning Suggestions

Every home is different, so it is important to evaluate the needs of your own home and do the chores you don't have time for on a weekly or monthly basis. Spring cleaning is something the whole family can participate in. Divide up the chores for everyone in your home and the work will go a lot faster.

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