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  • How to Add Stickers and Backgrounds From Multiple Themes to Your Book

How to Add Stickers and Backgrounds From Multiple Themes to Your Book

Related keywords:Changing-ThemesImporting-StickersUsing-StickerUsing-Stickers

Have you ever browsed Mixbook's customizable photo book themes and thought to yourself, “Wow, there are some great stickers in different themes! I sure wish I could mix-and-match stickers in my photo book!”?

Good news! This is something you can do! In this tutorial, we will explore how to grab stickers from other photo book themes to use in your projects.

To start, create a new project with your desired photo book. We’re going with Vintage Summer Vibes.

Locate the Theme button at the top of the Editor, next to the teal Share button.

Scroll through the category of themes available until you locate the theme you would like to pull stickers and backgrounds from.

We recommend knowing the theme prior to starting your project because there won’t be an in-depth preview of themes in the Editor.

We want more fun summer stickers to include in our current project, so we’ll be clicking on Seasonal themes and then, Beach Bliss.

Once you have found your new theme, click the theme and then click CHANGE THEME.

Now here comes the fun part!

To see these newly available assets, you can filter your backgrounds and stickers by the “Theme” options. In each tab, click the filter at the top, and then select Theme Stickers or Theme Backgrounds to display the new stickers.

Look how great this “Hello Sunshine” sticker from “Beach Bliss” looks in my Vintage Summer theme! Success!

Now you can place your new stickers and backgrounds into your existing theme and create truly customizable photo books. Follow this process as many times as you want to change themes multiple times.

For a deeper dive into changing themes in the Editor, check out this article:

Happy Mixbooking!

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