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Learn How: From Scrapbooking to Modern Photo Book Making

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Scrapbooking has evolved quite a bit since the days of stickers, printed background paper, and printed photos - but that doesn't mean that you have to let go of the old scrapbooks in your collection. In fact, you can modernize and upgrade them so you (and your family) can enjoy them for generations to come. Here's how to transform an old scrapbook into a modern photo book you'll love, or create online scrapbook for safekeeping.

From Scrapbooking to Modern Photo Book Making: A How-To Guide

Old-school scrapbooks are fun to look at, but over time, their pages become more fragile. The photos fade (and so do embellishments), and there's no way to exactly replicate the design if something happens to the original book.

Until now, that is. You can take an old scrapbook and convert it into a modern photo book - and even better, you can save it electronically and come back to it later if you need a new copy.

Here's a step-by-step guide that explains:

  1. Choose what to include
  2. Take photos of already-made pages
  3. Scan and upload photos
  4. Choose a blank template or one that's pre-designed
  5. Refer to the originals for accuracy

Check out the details in each step to convert and preserve your special scrapbooks.

#1. Choose What to Include

You may not want to include some pages from an old scrapbook in your new one - and that's okay. Just comb through what you have and weigh each page on its own merits, asking yourself:

  • Does this page include people we want to remember?
  • Is this event an important part of the history portrayed in the scrapbook?
  • Will removing this page change the spirit of the scrapbook?
  • #2. Take Photos of Every Page

As you're looking through the scrapbook you want to convert to a more modern collection, take photos of each page. That way, you can refer back to them for accuracy (especially if you're trying to create a very similar look).

Pro Tip: If the pages aren't numbered, consider adding a sticky note with a number to each page before you take a picture with your phone. That way, you can preserve the scrapbook's original order - even if you give it back to the person it belongs to or you don't have access to it while you're working on your new one.

Related: How to turn your photos into digital scrapbooks

#3. Scan and Upload Photos

Carefully remove photos from the scrapbook's pages. If you're scanning them yourself, work on only one page at a time - and replace the photos as soon as you're finished.

If you're having a professional scan them (such as your favorite photo lab), consider numbering the backs of the photos so you can easily return them to their original places.

Pro Tip: Be careful when you remove old photos from old paper. You could do irreparable damage to both. Try running a piece of dental floss between the photo and the page using a sawing motion, which can help remove adhesive without damaging the photo or the paper. If you encounter too much resistance, stop and consider having a professional remove them for you.

You don't always have to remove photos from a scrapbook to capture them in good quality digital formats. Some phone and tablet apps provide you with the ability to scan on the spot, such as Adobe Scan and Microsoft Office Lens.

After you've scanned all the photos, movie ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, and other important items you need, name them appropriately so they're easy to find. Then, upload them to Mixbook, where they'll stay safe as you create your modern photo book.

Related: How to organize the photos on your phone

#4. Choose a Template

A blank slate may be the best place for you to start - especially if you're trying to make a replica of the original scrapbook. However, it's totally up to you. You can choose from a number of pre-built templates that you can customize to keep the spirit of the original intact, such as:

Remember, too, that if you choose to create your own modern scrapbook from scratch, you can customize everything. You get to pick layouts, backgrounds, embellishments, photo grids and frames, font styles and colors, and so much more.

#5. Refer to the Originals for Accuracy

Pull up the photos you took of the scrapbook's original pages. You can refer back to them as you create your new, upgraded, and modernized version. If there are special notes in the margins, doodles or anything else, you'll be able to recreate them accurately.

Have You Modernized an Old-School Scrapbook?

If you've modernized a scrapbook, or if you've created one using Mixbook's tools, we'd love to see it! Tag us in photos on Instagram (we're @Mixbook) so we can enjoy your creativity in action - and so that others can get inspiration for their own, as well.

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